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The five love idioms


1.- Physical contac 

such a touching, kissing, hugging, holding hands, playing games, havin sexual intercourse, and others.

2.- Share quality time. 

For example: go for a walk in the park, play sports together, live together as a couple go to watch movies, go to the theater, concerts, etc.

3.- Words of affirmation. 

For example., I like the way you are.  I like that you take care of yourself and

i like that you are so smart. 

4.- Acts of service. 

I prepared the dinner. I help the children with their homework. I drive so that you rest

5.- Demostrative actions

Examples; I bought you thickets to the concert you want to attend. I bought you this gift from my trip or I bought you these flowers., or i did anything for you

thanks for following  me on my social networks. Share this knowledge with your friends and remember the knowledge is awareness. #psicólogaysexólogasandraroque 

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